Some of the things that make my sweet Ethan so special
* He loves to tell knock knock jokes and he told his first one at 2 years old.
* He insists that he is skipping 4 and turning 5 this year and nothing we sat will convice him otherwise
* He wears wranglers and cowboy boots almost every day
* He loves his little brother and is so happy Reece is finally getting big enough to play.
* He is so excited to start school in the fall and already has his lunch box picked out!
* He can work my smartphone better than I can and loves loves loves to play Angry Birds
* He can sing the ABC's, count to 15, knows right and left, and can write his name.
* His favorite phrase is "I need to tell you something", and then he proceeds to ask a question!
* He asks more questions than anyone I have ever met, but I love that he soaks up all the info he can and I don't mind answering every one of them.
* Most of all he loves to pray, go to Sunday school, and talk about God.....what more could a mom ask for!