Thursday, June 23, 2011

Sun Scholars: Giggle Junction Giveaway

Sun Scholars: Giggle Junction Giveaway: "**GIVEAWAY** I am SO excited to share this giveaway with you! A couple months ago I came across these AMAZING Spy Bags sold on mad..."


  1. Hello Tara,
    I remember you telling me about these awesome Giggle Junction bags yesterday. You are right they look really fun and are designed perfectly for the kids to play with for hours in the car or just at home. I checked out her shop on Etsy; wow she has huge selection of eye spy bags. Thanks for sharing. I am heading over to the Sun Scholars blog to enter the giveaway.
    Smiles, Paula

  2. Hello! Thank you so much for coming by my blog to say hi! I see you have a wonderful life with a houseful of children! Oh how I remember those days! Cherish them. Sweet family!

