We switched from Myakka El. to Suncoast Academy about 8 weeks ago, and it is hands down one of the best decisions I have ever made. My kids have never been happier and are learning like crazy, and except for the serious amount of fuel I am using to get them to and from, I could not be happier either!
Reece is officially a thumb sucker, which has to be the cutest thing I have ever seen! NO MORE BINKIES EVER IN MY HOME! Need i say more.
Ethan is totally and completely potty trained! He is still in Pull-ups at night but has not had an accident EVEN ONCE! That makes this momma very happy!
Trace us wanting to join 4-H and Odyssey of the Mind....we'll have to see if I'm up for both!
Austin is reading like crazy and I am so thrilled to see him enjoying and excelling at something that I have always enjoyed so much!
So, that's us in a nutshell right now. I'll right again soon!