So, since I cannot possibly catch this thing up, here is a quick update! In the last 4 months we have.....had a baby, had 2 teeth knocked out, had 2 baby teeth come in, learned to use the potty, changed schools, & changed jobs. It's up to you to figure out who did what =)
Now, onto what is going on at the moment. I was thinking yesterday how by the time Reece is potty trained I will have been buying diapers nonstop for 10 years! I am not willing to figure out what the dollar amount for that would be, but I am pretty sure Pampers and Huggies owe me some serious coupons!
Also, on the same subject, why do I freak out about potty training? So far, all three boys have basically potty trained themselves right around the time they turned 3! Maybe with Reece I'll relax a little!