Wednesday, March 17, 2010

School stuff!

Heading out to crazy hat and silly socks day at school!

Austin had crazy hat day at school! Daddy made this for him!

Cold Weather and Camp Fires

So, in Florida this year we have had an unreasonable amount of cold weather. This weather inspired my boys to start having campfires! They love to get all bundled up, build a fire, have hot cocoa, and make smores! I love these little things that are creating great memories for us!

Never gonna catch up!

So, since I cannot possibly catch this thing up, here is a quick update! In the last 4 months we have.....had a baby, had 2 teeth knocked out, had 2 baby teeth come in, learned to use the potty, changed schools, & changed jobs. It's up to you to figure out who did what =)

Now, onto what is going on at the moment. I was thinking yesterday how by the time Reece is potty trained I will have been buying diapers nonstop for 10 years! I am not willing to figure out what the dollar amount for that would be, but I am pretty sure Pampers and Huggies owe me some serious coupons!

Also, on the same subject, why do I freak out about potty training? So far, all three boys have basically potty trained themselves right around the time they turned 3! Maybe with Reece I'll relax a little!